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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tamil medicine for back pain Muthuku vali treatment

This is Tamil medicine for back pain. Middle aged people and old people many times face a common problem of back pain. Now the problem is seen in youngsters also. Continuous back ache can disturb your many activities. Some common symptoms of back pain are pain around back and hip area, difficulty in sleeping or bending etc. Reason can be many behind the problem but some simple back pain remedy in Tamil medicine can give you relief from throbbing back pain:

Back pain treatment in Tamil using Ginger:
Anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can give you quick relief from back ache. Apply ginger paste along with eucalyptus oil. You can also add crushed ginger in boiling water and boil it on low flame for 15 minutes. After cooling add honey in this ginger water and consume it twice a day to get relief. Use ginger powder along with black pepper powder in your herbal tea.

Back pain Tamil maruthuvam using Basil leaves:
Basil leaves give very good results for the problem of back pain. Add fresh basil leaves in water and boil it till it becomes half. When it will come to room temperature, add little salt in it. Consume the basil water twice a day to treat the back pain effectively.

Muthuku vali Tamil treatment Herbal oil massage:
Give your back herbal oil massage to reduce pain. Herbal oil massage can reduce the stress on the muscles and gives quick relief. You can use the oils like eucalyptus oil, almond oil, coconut oil or olive oil. Use warm oil to massage the painful area.

Tamil back pain tips Garlic medicine
Just like ginger, garlic also can be a very good remedy for back pain. Consume three to four raw garlic cloves every morning before eating anything. The anti inflammatory properties of garlic will show you positive results within few days. You can also take back massage with garlic oil. For garlic oil you can simply add few garlic cloves in mixture of hot coconut oil and sesame oil. After cooling down filter the oil and store it for regular massage.

Wheat treatment:
Analgesic properties of wheat can reduce the back pain effectively. Soak wheat in water and keep it overnight. Next day add cuscus grass powder and coriander powder in it and boil the mixture along with milk.  Consuming this mixture twice a day can help you to get rid of pain.

Ice pack remedy:

Using ice pack is always effective to reduce pain and swelling. Use ice bag or wrap ice cubes in towel and give cold compress on painful area. Repeat the therapy several times in a day. Along with cold compress, hot compress is also equally beneficial.