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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tamil medicine after delivery home remedies

Tamil medicine after delivery 
The information on Tamil medicine for normal delivery is given here. Delivering a child is considered as the second birth for the mother. Today when most of the ladies and doctors prefer C-section delivery, it is necessary to remember that normal delivery is best for the health of mother and child both.  People of India especially from orthodox family pray Tamil slogan for normal delivery. People prefer ayurvedic, siddha and homeopathic medicine for normal delivery. Women prefer C section as they get afraid about the pain during normal delivery but here are some home remedies for normal delivery.  

 How to get normal delivery in Tamil home remedy methods
 1. The first and the most important thing you need to do for normal delivery is keep your body flexible. Continue with easy exercises and some yoga positions to keep you fit and flexible. Start practicing Kegal Exercise regularly. Kegal exercise helps to keep the pelvic and thigh muscles strong which is necessary for normal delivery.  Tamil baby delivery painless method is suggested by yoga.  Just remember that whatever exercise you will follow should be under the supervision of experts. Wrong exercise can be harmful for you and baby both.
2. Along with the body, it is necessary to control your mind also. Mental strength can be useful for normal delivery. Stress and tension during pregnancy and labour is not good for normal delivery. Experts believe that stress and tension during delivery time can also affect child growth in the future. So keep your mind calm and happy while delivering baby.
3. Follow deep breathing to reduce stress and to get a great supply of oxygen for you and baby. Take expert advice for breathing exercises during pregnancy.
4. Your food intake can affect your delivery and child birth. It is said that consuming ghee or oil can help you for easy normal delivery. The nutritious food can make you strong but can’t make your delivery smooth or painless. Eat healthy and balanced diet to keep your body fit and for the perfect growth of your baby. But be careful about your weight also as overweight can be a hurdle for normal delivery.
5. According to ayurveda, walking is one of the best exercises for normal delivery. Get a practice of regular walking from the very first month of pregnancy.
6. Ayurveda suggests consuming milk with garlic paste added in it, from the seventh month of pregnancy. This remedy is helpful for normal delivery.
7. When your ninth month starts, consume water with roasted aniseeds mixed and boiled in it.
8. Regularly take warm water bath before going to bed. This can relieve tensions and stress.
9. Ayurveda suggests consuming honey and applying the paste of black cumin powder and honey on stomach when you are going in delivery room. This can help you for normal delivery.

10. After completing 7 months of pregnancy, regularly consume steamed mixture of raw rice, methi seeds and garlic pods along with water. This can help you for painless normal delivery.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Vallarai plant medicinal uses Tamil keerai benefits

Vallarai plant medicinal uses Tamil keerai benefits

Vallarai Keerai Uses

This is to share the information on Tamil vallarai plant medicinal uses keerai benefits. vallarai herb is used in various types of Ayurvedic as well as herbal therapies to fight against many health problems. Vallarai lehyam is preprared to treat various diseases. The leaves of this amazing plant are used for treating the problems like liver functioning, problems related to lungs and kidney, regularizing blood circulation etc. The extract of the leaves are also used in curing the skin infections like Eczema, abscess or ulcers etc. Instead of taking vallarai tablets or capsule, best to have the fresh leaves soup.

vallarai keerai for memory:  From the ancient period this plant is considered as the best brain tonic for children. Those who are suffering from less memory or any type of brain related problem are advised to consume brahmi juice as a remedy.  The Nitric acid present in the leaves of the plant is beneficial for brain activity. It helps to increase the concentration power and helps to focus on a particular thing. Those who have got disturbed mind and lack of concentration can use the leaves of Brahmi plant. The leaves of the plant work as a memory booster which helps the kids to increase and concentrate memody in studies.

Vallarai keerai advantages in medical field: The patients who are suffering from Alzheimer are treated with the extracts of brahmi leaves. It is seen that the regular use of brahmi extracts have shown the positive results in the patients. Vallarai powder (podi)  helps to increase the capacity of the brain to understand the things clearly.

Vallarai keerai for hair, digestion and nerves: Hair fall, hair thinning and other hair problems can be treated with the help of brahmi extracts. Vallarai hair oil is prepared by using the leaves extract. The plant also helps to solve the problems like indigestion, stomach pain or diarrhea. Juice of vallarai leaves prevents the diminution of brain neurons; you can easily make the juice at home. The leaves of the plant contains Anti oxidant properties which helps to conserve the DNA cleavage in the body. It is advised to take vallarai during pregnancy

The consumption of vallarai  soup keeps of away from stress and tensions effectively. The anxiety patients are also treated with the juice of brahmi leaves. It controls the mind and decreases the level of anxiety effectively.

Vallarai keerai for babies: Some children are called as hyper active children. It is a sort of disorder which can be completely cured with the help of brahmi juice.

Vallarai keerai juice benefits: The other uses of brahmi leaves juice is that it helps to reduce the inflammation or pain in joints. The patients who are facing problem of mental infirmity or epilepsy are advised to consume brahmi leaves juice to cure the condition. Some sort of sexual problems among men and women can be treated easily with the helpof this amazing plant.

It is the best remedy for insomnia or other kinds of depressions. The respiratory problems like asthma etc can be cured with the regular consumption of brahmi leaves extracts.

Vallarai keerai for hair: Hair fall, hair thinning and other hair problems can be treated with the help of brahmi extracts. The plant also helps to solve the problems like indigestion, stomach pain or diarrhea.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tamil Medicine for Pimples Treatment

Tamil medicine for pimples 
This is the information on Tamil medicine for pimples, natural kitchen remedy treatment. Pimples can occur due to various reasons. Blood impurity is one of the reasons. Tamil medicine for pimples are highly effective Drink plenty of water to wash off the impurities from the blood and make your skin beautiful and glowing.

One of the best Tamil treatment for pimples is neem paste. Raw papaya is one of the very good remedies to remove pimples. Make a paste of raw papaya along with seeds and peel. Apply this paste on face to fight against pimple affected area.

Tamil tips for pimples : Radish works equally beneficial in treating pimples and acne. Paste of radish seeds can work amazingly on pimples and black heads. Antibacterial properties of drumstick and drumstick leaves can be useful to cure pimples and acne. Make a paste of it and apply on affected area.

Pimples care Tamil medicine: Multani mitti is proved to be very beneficial to clear oil from skin pores and helps to reduce pimples and acne. Mix lemon juice in groundnut oil and apply it on pimples affected area to heal them quickly. This remedy is useful for blackheads too.

Tamil maruthuvam for pimples : Make a paste of sesame seeds along with water and fresh lemon juice. Apply this paste on pimples and the swellings due to other skin infections. Make a paste of fenugreek seeds by adding little amount of water in it. Use this paste as a face mask and keep it for overnight. 

Wash the face in the morning with cold water. This is one of the quickest remedies to heal pimples. Mint leaves are useful in treating pimples effectively. Make a juice of mint leaves and apply it on face to fight against pimples and acne.

Pimple cure tamil medicine: Pomegranate seeds paste is beneficial for pimple treatment. Mix fresh lemon juice in the paste for extra benefits. Cinnamon powder along with honey is very good remedy to cure pimples. Apply the paste on pimples and leave it overnight. Morning wash your face with cold water. You can also mix cinnamon powder with lemon juice and apply on pimples to treat them.

Remove pimples tamil language grandma treatment: Dried orange peels are very beneficial for skin treatments. Make powder of dry orange peels and mix it with rose water to make a paste. Spread this paste evenly on face to treat pimples, acne and even blackheads.

Add fresh lemon juice in cold milk and apply it on your face to treat pimples and acne effectively. This remedy removes dirt from the skin pores.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Sothu kathalai benefits in tamil maruthuvam / Aloe-Vera medicinal uses

This is sothu kathalai benefits in tamil maruthuvam, Aloe-Vera medicinal uses.  Aloe vera plant is used and appreciated worldwide for its wonderful medicinal values and uses. You can apply sothu kathalai for face to avoid pimples and acne problem. Let’s try to find out some sothu kathalai medicine payangal used as home remedy. Sothu kathalai plant can easily grow in the temperate regions like Tamil nadu.

1. Small cuts, wounds and slight burns can be cured by applying sothu kathalai juice or gel on it.

2. It is equally beneficial for insect bites and related itching and rashes. Apply aloe vera gel or juice on affected are to get cooling effect and reduce inflammation.

3. One of the best sothu kathalai uses in tamil vaithiyam is skin disease remedy. Those who are suffering from Athlete foot or the skin problems like herpes can use aloe vera extracts to get quick healing.

4. The gel made with aloe vera is a natural skin moisturizer. Use gel or simply rub freshly cut aloe vera plant on your face. Wash your face with cold water after 15 minutes. You can find smooth and glowing skin.

5. Aloe vera extracts work as anti ageing treatment. Use it daily twice to look younger and fresher.

6. Those who are facing the problem of hair fall or hair breakage can use aloe vera juice to apply on scalp. Application of aloe vera juice on scalp can reduce the hair fall and promotes hair growth.

7. It is amazing medicine for dandruff problem. Mix aloe ver juice along with fresh coconut milk. Apply this mixture on scalp and massage gently. Regular usage can reduce the dandruff problem.

8. Aloe vera juice is beneficial for hair treatment. Use aloe vera juice as a natural hair conditioner and it can give shine and bounce to the hair.

9. Digestion related problems can be easily cured with the consumption of aloe vera juice.

10. It can treat the problem of constipation also.

11. The patients of Diabetes also can consume aloe vera juice to control blood sugar level effectively.

12. Aloe vera extracts are beneficial for oral health. It can prevent bad breath and helps to get white teeth. It is advisable to use tooth paste with aloe vera extracts.

13. Ayurveda uses aloe vera juice to cure stomach ulcer, congestion, urinary tract infection and other stomach related problems.

14. Aloe vera juice can reduce cholesterol level in the body.

15. Aloe vera extracts can detoxify the body by reducing harmful toxins from the body.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Aanmai Kuraivu Medicine Tamil

Aanmai Kuraivu  treatment

This is about aanmai kuraivu/ male infertility.  The doctors always suggest English medicines to cure this problem but home remedy treatment works better if you treat immediate after finding aanmai kuraivu arigurigal.  Infertility is one of the main aanmai kuraivu symptoms. There are many home remedies to solve the problem of male infertility. The details of aanmai kuraivu medicine in Tamil treatment are given below.

Aanmai kuraivu reason: Hereditary, pollution, food and lifestyle.

aanmai kuraivu Tamil tips
1. Eating healthy food is very important. Pumpkin seeds contain fatty acid and zinc. These two properties can prove helpful to improve male reproductive system effectively. It can also bring an improvement in sperm counts.

2. Tamil ayurvedic medicine suggests Ashwagandha. It is one of the oldest remedies to fight against male infertility. Add one tsp of ashwagandha powder in warm milk and drink it twice a day to increase sperm count and to treat weakness.

3. It is advisable to avoid using tight under garments. Tight under garments prevents your skin to breath and thus reduces sperm productivity.
4. In ancient days,  It is believed that drinking coffee is the solution for male infertility.  Coffee works well on male infertility. Drinking coffee can help the sperms to float easily.

5. One of the best aanmai kuraivu marunthu is Astragalus, it can increase sperm count effectively. Boil dried roots of astragalus with water for half an hour. After cooling, filter and drink the water to get best results within few days.

6. aanmai kuraivu maruthuvam goat weed or horny goat weed is very beneficial to treat impotency. It can increase male libido and also helps to increase the sperm count. It is considered as one of the best remedies to treat male impotency.

8. Heat can reduce your sperm counts and fluid production in body. So try to avoid being in hot tubs or saunas for a longer period.

9. It has been proven that stress can affect sperm counts and cause infertility in men. Yoga and meditation are the best ways to improve your mood and reduce stress level.

10. Alcohol or some drugs like marijuana or cocaine can reduce the sperm counts and performance. So avoid these types of habits to prevent infertility.

11. Garlic is used as a medicine in aanmai kuraivu vaithiyam. Garlic is easiest home remedy to treat male infertility. Chew three- four raw garlic cloves daily to treat the problem.

12. White onions are also remarkably effective in treating male infertility.

13. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains in your daily diet. This can be helpful to improve your fertility power.

14. Synthetic deodorants and cosmetic can affect on your libido and sperm counts so avoid using them.

15. Exercise regularly to reduce obesity and stay fit but excessive amount of exercise can lead to reduction of sperm counts in men.

 16. Synthetic deodorants and cosmetic can affect on your libido and sperm counts so avoid using them.

17. Exercise regularly to reduce obesity and stay fit but excessive amount of exercise can lead to reduction of sperm counts in men.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tamil Medicine for Irregular Periods

Tamil Medicine for Irregular Periods

This is the information on Tamil medicine for irregular periods. The reason for this problem may be hereditary or life style or medications. There are many natural medicines for irregular periods in Tamil cure. Here I have suggested some home remedies for irregular periods in tamil treatment.

Fenugreek seeds are one of the best suggested tamil medicine for periods pain. Vajrasana posture practice can also reduce menstrual pain.
 1. Ginger: It is considered as one of the best remedies to regulate menstrual cycle. It can also reduce the menstrual cramps efficiently. Boil ginger in water and add little sugar in it. Consume this mixture thrice a day to treat the irregularity of periods within one or two months.
2. Cinnamon: It is also proved to be very effective to regulate menstrual periods. It leaves the warming effect on human body. It is a rich source of hydroxychalcone that can control insulin level, which can be one of the reasons behind irregular menstrual periods. Add cinnamon powder in warm milk and consume it daily. You can add cinnamon powder in tea or you can simply chew cinnamon sticks for equal results.
 3. Sesame seeds: One of the best tamil medicine for menstruation normal cycle is sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are very beneficial for hormonal balance. They are the rich source of lignans, which are helpful in production of hormones. The fatty acids present in sesame seeds also support the production of hormones in woman body.
 4. Jaggery: It also helps to regulate menstrual cycle by producing heat in body. You can roast sesame seeds and grind them along with jaggery. Consume this powder daily on empty stomach for few months.
5. Aloe vera: This herb is useful for regulating irregular menstrual periods by controlling your hormones. Mix fresh aloe vera gel with honey and consume it daily before taking your breakfast.
6. Papaya: green papaya is very beneficial in treating irregular periods. It can contract muscle fibres in the uterus and thus regulates the menstrual flow effectively. You can consume green papaya juice for few months to get rid of this problem. Unripe papaya can even be useful in menstrual irregularity during menopause stage.
 7. Turmeric: This herb can also produce warmth in body and also balances hormones, thus it is useful in treatment of irregular menstrual cycle. It is also helpful in reducing menstrual pain and cramps.
 8. Coriander seeds: These seeds carry emmenagogue properties which can be supportive to regulate menstruation. Boil coriander seeds in water. Filter and consume the drink many times a day for few months.
 9. Fennel seeds: fennel seeds are a herb which has proved beneficial for irregular menstrual cycle. It also carries emmenagogue which can regulate periods and can also reduce menstrual cramps. It can balance female sex hormones effectively. There is no side effects found on Tamil medicine for irregular periods.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tamil Medicine for High Blood Pressure

This is the info on Tamil medicine for high blood pressure. Tamil maruthuvam blood pressure is completely natural. The below given home remedies for high blood pressure in tamil maruthuvam can help you to keep your BP in normal range.
Siddha medicine for high blood pressure in tamil

 Tamil medicine for high blood pressure

The first and the most important remedy to control high blood pressure is to lose extra weight and maintain a healthy body size Consume the juice made with spinach and carrot to control your blood pressure effectively.

It is advised to drink a cup of this juice twice a day to get quick reduction in high blood pressure. S.N. Butylphthalide is the photochemical present in Celery, which is very beneficial in controlling high blood pressure. So include celery in your regular food intake.

One of the bestTamil vaithiyam for blood pressure is gooseberry. Indian gooseberry or widely known as Amla is well known remedy for reducing blood pressure. Use Amla powder or consume amla with honey in the morning on empty stomach.

Potatoes are considered as a very good treatment for high blood pressure. The potassium and magnesium present in potato can effectively decrease the blood pressure level.

Grape fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin which can prove helpful in controlling high blood pressure. Daily consume two to three cloves of raw garlic in the morning to keep your blood pressure under perfect control.

Mix fresh ginger juice with honey and cumin powder and consume it thrice a day to control high blood pressure. Lemon juice in warm water has proved equally effective in controlling blood pressure as lemon can make the blood vessels flexible.

Banana provides a very good amount of potassium which can be helpful to fight against high blood pressure or hypertension. Cayenne pepper is beneficial for regularizing blood flow and avoidance of platelets from blocking. Thus it can be used for treating high blood pressure.

Drink nearly 8 to 10 glasses of water to keep your body safe from dehydration. It is very important for the blood pressure patients to maintain the water balance in the body.

Onions are considered as very good remedy for reduction of high blood pressure as it carries a very big amount of Quercetin, which is an antioxidant flavonol useful on blood pressure. You can consume onion regularly in your diet or consume onion juice mixed with honey two times a day.

Mix honey in warm water and consume it in the morning on empty stomach as honey can effectively lowers the pressure on the heart. Fenugreek seeds are the rich source of potassium and dietary fibre.

An herbal medicine for high blood pressure is fenugreek seeds and leaves. Make a fine paste of boiled fenugreek seeds and consume it on empty stomach for few months. This is one of the useful remedy to control high blood pressure. There is no  side effects whille using Tamil medicine for high blood pressure

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Arugampul Medicinal Uses Health Benefits Tamil Vaithiyam

Arugampul Medicinal Uses 
This is arugampul medicinal uses Benefits Tamil vaithiyam. We usually use arugampul for lord ganesha but di you know the benefits of this tiny grass? Find the arugampul medicinal uses below. Bermuda grass is the name for arugampul in English.  It is rich in protein, calcium, potassium and fibre. These properties are beneficial for healthy body. Bermuda grass is a natural detoxifier. It can remove harmful toxins from body and purifies the blood hence arugampul cultivation is now widely spreading to prepare ayurvedic medicines.

Arugampul Health Benefits

  • Those who are often suffering from acidity can try Bermuda grass juice to get relief. Bermuda grass carries the alkaline property. It works best to maintain the alkalinity of blood in body. arugampul coffee can be prepared by adding dry ginger and pepper powder to cure chest congestion.  
  • It is the best natural immunity builder. It can keep you safe from many diseases and infections.
  • You can have the extract of arugampul for diabetic.  Bermuda grass is rich in hypo-glycomic and anti- diabetic properties. Thus it is useful in controlling type 2 of diabetes. It is useful in many complications connected with diabetes. There are no side effects found when using this herb.
  • Many types of digestive problems and stomach infections can be cured with the help of Bermuda grass juice. Those who are suffering from constipation can consume Bermuda grass juice to fight against the condition.
  • The chlorophyll present in Bermuda grass can be useful to improve red blood cells production in the body. Drink arugampul juice during pregnancy to reduce the anemic condition, but avoid if you have vomiting or other difficulties.   
  • Ayurveda suggests extracts of Bermuda grass to treat weakness in patients. It can build the immunity and reduce tiredness. The regular intake of of Bermuda grass extracts can make your body fit and active.
  • Those who are suffering from insomnia can take advantage of Bermuda grass treatment for effective cure.
  • arugampul and weight loss treatment is very effective. It is considered as the very good medicine for oral problems. It can prevent problems like gums problem and bad mouth odor. Bermuda grass extracts can make your teeth strong and healthy.
  • Make a paste of Bermuda grass and apply it on cracked heels to make them smooth and soft. New mothers are advised to consume Bermuda grass extracts for improvement in breast milk secretion.
  • The bronchial problems like asthma, bronchitis and TB disease can be treated with the consumption of Bermuda grass juice. It is also useful in treatment of common cold and cough.
  • Arugampul oil mixed with fenugreek powder can reduce hair dandruff problem.
  • It is considered as the very good remedy to reduce weight effectively. Many types of menstrual related problems are treated with Bermuda grass.
  • Headache and nausea during menstrual period can be prevented with extracts of Bermuda grass. Sexual power can be improved with the help of Bermuda grass extracts.
  • Paste of arugampul powder with turmeric powder can be used to treat many types of skin infections. It can reduce the infections like eczema and scabies.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Tamil Siddha Medicine for Hair Growth Paati Vaithiyam

Tamil siddha medicine for hair growth
This is Tamil siddha medicine for hair growth.  Siddha medicinal therapy is one of the oldest therapies in India. The use of siddha medicines can not only prevent the hair fall but also can support a healthy hair growth. Tamil siddha medicine for hair loss is very effective and no side effects.

Tamil medicine for Hair growth

1. One of the best Tamil tips for hair growth is Athimadhuram. This is or widely known as Indian Liquorice is considered as the best solution of hair growth. Roots of athimathuram are crushed into powder and mixed with buffalo milk to make a fine paste from it. This paste is applied on scalp to prevent hair fall and new hair growth. Keep that paste on scalp for 20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat this therapy twice a week.

2. The amazing herb Acalypha Indica or Kuppaimeni is used to solve the problem of hair fall. The roots of this herb are cleaned and ground it into fine paste. Coconut oil is mixed in it. The extract or juice of this herb is also mixed in this paste. This mixture is heated on very low flame to take a boil. After cooling down, oil is filtered and stored in air tight container. This oil is used in siddha therapy to prevent hair fall and rapid hair growth. The gentle massage of this oil on scalp can be very beneficial for hair growth.

3. Tamil long hair growth tips:  Hibiscus leaves are famous therapy for hair treatments. Siddha medicinal therapy supports the use of hibiscus leaves paste to get healthy hair growth. Regularly apply this past on scalp and wash after half an hour. Within few months you can get positive results for your hair growth.

4. Paati vaithiyam for hair growth in tamil medicine: Another useful siddha medicinal suggestion of hair growth is amla powder. Siddha medicinal therapy advises to mix amla powder with coconut oil and boil it. Use this oil after cooling down. The regular usage of the oil can support fast hair growth.

5. Siddha medical therapy supports use of fresh aloe vera juice or pulp for healthy hair growth. It is advisable to apply this pulp or juice on scalp and wash it after half an hour. Use this therapy for at least 3 months to get desired results. This is always suggested in Tamil tips for hair growth methods.

6. Tamil herbs for hair growth : One of the best remedies suggested by siddha medicines is the paste of leaves of hibiscus and neem. Add amla powder and fenugreek seeds powder in it. Also add coconut oil in the mixture. Boil this mixture and after cooling use this oil as a better scalp treatment. It can support hair growth and decrease hair fall.

7. Add some curry leaves in coconut oil and boil the oil properly. Use this oil for scalp massage to get thick, long and shiny hair.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tamil Medicine for Weight Reduction Weight loss Treatment

Tamil Medicine for Weight Reduction
This is Tamil medicine for weight reduction, weight loss treatment. Tamil medicines and treatment available for both weight gain and weight loss. This is completely natural Tamil herbal medicine for weight loss. Food control along with regular exercise programs gives an excellent result.

Tamil weight loss tips
1. The best weight loss tamil medicine is honey. Mix honey in warm water and add few drops of fresh lemon juice in it. Consume it in the morning on empty stomach to reduce extra weight effectively.
2. Mix extra virgin olive oil and fresh lemon juice in warm water and consume it on empty stomach to reduce weight. Olive oil can detoxify our body and controls the appetite to help weight reduction.
3. Cinnamon can control our huger effectively. It can increase body metabolism and burns extra calories. Thus it can be beneficial in controlling body weight.
4. Ginger can regulate the digestion and increase metabolism which can be useful in cutting off extra weight.
5. Add few drops of freshly cut lemon in herbal tea. This can detoxify your body. Increase metabolism, regulate digestion and thus reduce weight rapidly.
6. Black pepper helps to burn body fats. It supports urination and sweating and thus throws out toxins and extra water from your body. Black pepper can effectively reduce weight in short period.
7. Garlic can keep our hunger under control and it can also improve our metabolism. Consumption of garlic can reduce our weight effectively.
8. Reduce salt from your regular diet as excess salt can help to gain weight.
9. Drink at least 8 glasses per day as it helps to keep your weight under control.
10. Eat lots of fresh fruits and raw vegetables to keep your body slim and fit.
11. Aloe vera is one of the best Tamil weight loss food.  Aloe vera juice can detoxify our body and regulate our digestion. This it can reduce our weight within few months.
12. Curry leaves can be helpful to reduce fat deposition in the body. And thus it can reduce weight. Chew a handful of curry leaves daily or add them in your regular diet.
13. Chew few cardamoms daily as it boost the metabolism rate in body and helps to reduce weight.
14. Turmeric can prevent the formation of fat tissues in body and can help the weight reduction quickly.
15. Fenugreek seeds can be effective in quick weight loss. Soak few fenugreek seeds in water overnight and chew them in the morning, this remedy can also control blood glucose level.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pirandai Medicinal Benefits and Uses

Pirandai Medicinal Benefits and Uses 
Pirandai herbal plant, it grows almost al parts of temperate areas.This is the information on Pirandai Medicinal uses Benefits and health value. Tamil ayurvedha and siddha treatment use pirandai for medicines preparation. It is popularly called pirandai keerai.
pirandai botanical name: Cissus quadrangularis
The main dishes prepared in villages are pirandai chutney recipe, oorugai, (pickle), pirandai kulambu, rasam soup and pirandai dosa (dosai)but you should follow proper cleaning method before doing this.  

1.    Pirandai nutritional value is very high. The major use of this medicinal extract pirandai oil is to treat broken bones. The use of this medicine shows faster development in recovery in broken or fractured bone condition. Pirandai is also uses for weight loss treatment.
 2. The extracts of hadjod or cissus quadrangular are very useful in weight reduction. This ayurvedic medicine helps to reduce the appetite. People who are troubled with obesity can try this remedy to cut down extra kilos effectively. This herb regulates the metabolism rate in body.
 3. Pirandai podi is equally effective in reducing blood sugar level in body. It also stimulates the insulin production, thus it is used to treat diabetes.
 4. Those who are suffering from high cholesterol can take help of hadjod to reduce harmful cholesterol level.
 5. Many types of stomach infections including indigestion and stomach ulcer can be treated with the help of hadjod. You can also use The fiber rich pirandai for piles problem.
 6. Ladies who are facing menstrual problems like cramps; irregular periods can take benefit of hadjod to fight against the problem. It can also cure the discomfort related to menopause.
 7. This amazing medicinal plant can reduce the risk of heart diseases. It regulates the heart functioning and reduces weight which is the main cause of heart attack.
8. Cissus quadrangular is rich in vitamin C, which is useful in reducing inflammation effectively. It is considered as a natural pain reliever as it deals with the problems like swelling and paining in various body parts.
 9. Fresh juice extracted from the plant is very effective in treatment of Asthma. pirandai ayurveda medicine cure other respiratory problems effectively.
 10. It is a fantastic natural blood purifier thus it is used to treat blood disorders in health conditions like scurvy. You can eat pirandai appalam daily, it is delicious too.
 11. It is considered as general health tonic to get bone strength and energy. This medicinal plant is used in bodybuilding supplements.
 12. The extracts of hadjod herb are useful in treating age related problems like osteoporosis.
 13. This medicinal herb is also used to promote reproductive system.
 14. Hadjod juice is used to cure the condition of nose bleeding.
 15.Many types of skin diseases are cured. This plant is useful in relieving stress and many psychological problems.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tamil Medicines for Arthritis Muttu vali

Tamil medicines for Arthritis 
Tamil meaning of arthritis remedy: muttu vali marunthu

This is the information on Tamil medicines for Arthritis. There are many natural medicines available for rheumatoid arthritis in tamil medicine. In the condition of arthritis patients face pain and inflammation in joints. They become tender and swollen. Following are some very useful herbal remedies to overcome the situation:

1. seppankizhangu for Arthritis: Burdock or seppankizhangu root carries fatty oils which work as anti-inflammatory medicine. Burdock roots can be consumed in your diet, or you can make a decoction by adding fresh or dried burdock roots in water and boil it for 10 to 15 minutes. Filter and drink daily thrice for better results. Burdock root extracts are available in the form of capsules also.

2. Manjal for Arthritis / Turmeric: This medicinal herb is enormously useful anti inflammatory herb and it also works as a pain alleviator. It carries useful chemicals like curcumin and curcuminoids which lessens inflammation quickly. Turmeric effectively reduces inflammation in joints thus suggested in the treatment of arthritis. Add turmeric in your daily diet for better and quick results. Use black pepper and dried ginger along with turmeric to enhance its effectiveness.

3. Flax seeds  or ali virai for Arthritis: ali vidai or Flax seeds are rich source of Omega-3 fatty acid. This builds the immunity system and reduces inflammation. Add at least 3 tsp of flax seeds or flax seeds oil in regular diet if you are suffering from arthritis pain.

4. Kuppaimeni for for Arthritis:  kuppaimeni herb is a great source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and vitamin A, C, D and B complex which is very essential for healthy body. It is a wonderful herb to fight against the conditions like arthritis and gout. It releases the pain of arthritis and help to build strong bones. Nettle leaf tea prevents inflammation and reduces water retention in body. Freshly cut nettle plant can help in soothing the throbbing pain in joints effectively by drawing blood to the joint and reducing inflammation.

5. Atimaturam for for Arthritis: This herb is considered as a natural anti-inflammatory medicine. In reduces the inflammation and slows down the enzyme production which can cause inflammation. Atimaturam  carries Glycyrrhizin which obstructs and relieves inflammation effectively. You can use this herb as a supplement in form of tea. Licorice supports the production of cortisol in body which prevents the pain and the amount of arthritis.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tamil Medicine for Thyroid Problem

Tamil Medicine for Thyroid Problem
This hormonal deficiency disease is called Thyroid in Tamil language also. Eating thyroid diet in Tamil medicine is very important than a medication to avoid thyroid problem.
 Thyroid symptoms in Tamil medicine are neck gland swelling, weight changes, menstrual changes, hair loss etc. If you experience any of this symptoms do simple TSH thyroid test.
Thyroid gland is one of the important glands in our body which controls the metabolism rate of human body and many other hormonal functioning. If the production of hormones increases or decreases from its normal level then the condition is referred as hypothyroid and hyperthyroid condition. Follow some simple tips to control this condition.
Thyroid foods to avoid in Tamil Medicine: Avoid eating Cabbage, carbohydrate, Cauliflower, Saturated Fat, and White Flour Products.

Thyroid tips in Tamil Medicine
 It is necessary for a thyroid patient to take adequate rest and relaxation along with proper healthy diet.
• Patients are advised to avoid the food intake like white flour, preservatives and sweets as it leads improper functioning of thyroid glands.
• Prefer to consume the food which is rich in Vitamin A as it supports the regular functioning of thyroid gland. Pumpkin, leafy vegetables, carrot contain very good amount of vitamin A.
• Add variety of fruits, fresh vegetables and sprouts in your regular diet.
• Try to reduce high calorie foods like cakes, pasties and sweets which can prove harmful in thyroid condition.
• Walnut is rich in iodine and magnesium which is very essential for proper functioning for thyroid gland.
• Sea weeds like Kelp and Irish moss are favourable for balanced functioning of thyroid glands.
• Sushi is seaweed which contains high amount of iodine useful in hypothyroidism condition.
• An easy home remedy to improve thyroid functioning is to mix coconut oil with milk and consume it regularly.
• To cleanse harmful toxins from the body drink fresh fruit juice thrice a day regularly.
• Cucumber is very useful for treating thyroid related disease like goiter.  Patients are advised to consume cucumber and carrot regularly.
• Other options to cure thyroid conditions are Barley and Oats. These are healthy foods to regulate thyroid condition.
• Lotus stem and water reed are consumed to treat thyroid stipulation.
• If a patient is suffering from the enlarged neck due to thyroid imbalance, Dandelion leaves or watercress paste can prove useful for treatment.
• To control hypothyroidism include eggs and yeast in your regular diet.
• To prevent or control hyper activity of thyroid gland, consume food like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.
• Recent studies say that Phytoplankton and Lyceum berry work amazingly in regulating thyroid condition.
• Add ginger in herbal tea and consume it thrice a day to regulate the functioning of thyroid condition. Avoid beverages like tea, coffee and alcohol.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tamil Medicine for Diabetes

Nirilivu Noi is the name for diabetes mellitus in tamil language:
Fenugreek or Methi: fenugreek is onr of the best ingredient in Tamil food for diabetes cure. It carries Amino Acid, called 4-hydroxyisoleucine which is very useful in controlling the blood sugar level effectively. It reduces the sugar absorption process during digestion and it also stimulates the insulin production in the body by stimulating the cells. Soak some methi seeds in water for a night and chew the seeds and drink the water on empty stomach. You can even make a powder of methi seeds after roasting them. Mix this powder with warm water and consume it regularly. Boil some methi seeds in water and after few minutes, filter the mixture and consume to reduce the blood glucose level effectively.

Paati vaithiyam for diabetes in tamil using Bitter gourd: You might have heard about Pavakkai diabetes cure. The vegetable carries property like Alpha glucosidal enzyme. This can be helpful in decreasing the sugar level in the blood. It also encourages the production of insulin in the body.  Consume at least 50 ml of karela juice daily morning before eating anything. Make a tea from dried bitter gourd pieces and consume it regularly to reduce the glucose level in blood. Add bitter gourd in your diet at least thrice a week. This is the best tamil diabetes medicine, which is available in the nature.

Drumstick tree leaves and flowers: These leaves or flowers are very beneficial in controlling the blood sugar level and it is used in the preparation of Tamil herbal medicine for diabetes.  Fry the drumstick flowers in pure ghee and consume them with brown rice. You can even add the drumstick leaves in your regular diet as they helps to increase the insulin production.

Diabetes care tips in tamil Shindilakodi or Amrita balli leaves:  Guduchi plant is rich in alpha glycosidase, which is helpful in reducing the blood glucose level. Cut and clean the stem of this plant and soak into the water for a night. Smash the stems and gently take them out of the water, now drink the remaining portion in the bowl. This starchy portion is called as guduchi.  The regular consumption of this can bring down the blood glucose level effectively.
Diabetes cure in Tamil using Bermuda grass: Bermuda grass is one of the best natural remedies to fight against diabetes. Bermuda grass is rich in hypo- glycomic property, which leaves an anti-diabetic effect by reducing the blood glucose and stimulating the insulin production. The extracts of this grass can also fight against the side effects of diabetes.